So, today is raining, again. Yup, it's Michigan. I have been contemplating cutting my hair. It is thick and lately in my face, so I did it. Chopped it off, now it is no longer in my face as I exercise at the gym and during walks. Me and 'the girls' have gotten up to 3 miles round trip. That is good for us.
Ben finishing up another Series that I started. So now I have the FBI Series, Texas Rangers Series, KKM Securities series, and starting US Marshals Series. It is a nice break between the few shorter books. Ah yes, I have the "Dear Diary" group also. Have two of those started.
So I have been busy. Hopefully, with the exercise, walking, it helps keep my butt out of the chair typing away. I need to motivate my bod instead of my mind (ya I need to repeat that lots of times - LOL) The age factor doesn't play unless I am in front of the 'drill instructor' at the gym. But he said I came to him for help so to do my best.
But I tried, only got away with a few less crunches.....
I am like the little train that could - going up that hill and getting myself in shape. Even though today is in the 40's, this is Michigan and we will all be in Summer mode again.
So, do me a fav.
If your mask is off - SMILE. There s no pain in sharing a smile. And it is sooooo nice to see faces again.
Had the celebration of one year after the May 19th flood in Sanford. The Village of Sanford survived and is coming back. The lake is handling itself, Mother Nature is working on it. It doesn't look like the moon-scape now. It took years to make it a lake and it will take time to do it again.
I know it has been referred to as the 500 yr flood. But damn it. That was not the case here. (OK My Rant) We had hard rain for several days and the lake above Sanford Lake, Wixom Lake, was flooding. The dam up there was not opened. The force of the water then busted through the side wall beside the damn and came down into Sanford lake like a tsunami. It destroyed homes, property. Grabbed docks, boats, anything in its way and tore down into the Village of Sanford.
But - not one life was lost. People lost THINGS. Photos, memorabilia, and kids lost more because their world turned upside down.
But Sanford is Back. If you want you can actually see it from the beginning on UTube. A young man along with others taped it and followed the people, families, and others with videos of how the area 'came back'. (In case you are interested).
Please take the time and check Amazon for which books are free with KU.
Chin up, everyone.
We are survivors!
RJ Vlier
Author / Writer